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Martial Arts Today

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A  B   C   D  E   F   G  H   I   J  K   L   M  N   O   P  Q   R   S  T   U   V  W   X   Y  Z

Age - Rising
Age tsuki - Rising punch
Age uke - Rising block
Ai - Love, Harmony
Ai Hamni - Harmony stance, when partners are standing with the same foot forward
Aiki - Harmonious Spirit
Aikido - Harmony Ki way.
Aikiho - (1) Harmonious Spirit Division or Method
             (2) Principle Of Loving Harmony
Aikoshin - Love of the school in mind
Aite - Partner
Arashi - Storm
Ashi - Foot; leg
Ashi guruma - Leg wheel
Ashi hishingi - Leg crush
Ashi kubi - Angle
Ashi kubi hishingi - Angle crush
Ashi waza - Foot techniques
Atama - Head
Atemi - Striking
Atemi waza - Striking techniques


Bo - Staff (long)
Bokken - Wooden sword
Bojutsu (Bojitsu) - Staff techniques (long)
Budo - Martial Way
Bugei - Martial Arts
Bujutsu - (1) Martial Art
             (2) Fighting arts of the warrior class of Japan
Bukai - Martial ranks; Belts
Buki - Weapons
Bukiho - Weapons Principle
Bun - Writing; Basic education
Bunkai - Analysis; Practical application of form
Buke - Martial house; Family
Bushi - Warrior class of Japan
Bushido - Way of the warrior
Bushi Te - Warrior Hand


Choku - Straight
Choku tsuki - Straight punch
Choshi - Rhythm
Chuan fa - (Chinese) Fist Law
Chudan - (1) Middle rank;
              (2) Middle (of body, i.e. torso)


Dachi - Stance
Daigaku - University
Dan - Rank of black belt; 1st dan is the lowest, 10th the highest
De ashi harai - Forward Foot Sweep
Deshi - Students
Denzook - No count
Do - Way; Way Of Life
Dokusan - Private Interview
Dojo - (1) Place Of The Way;
           (2) Exercise Hall;
           (3) Training Hall, the place where one practices the martial arts
Doshu - Way Master


Eku - Oar, used as a weapon in Okinawan Karate
Embu - (1) Demonstration of Martial Spirit;
             (2) Two Person Training Form
Embusen - Line of performance of a kata
Empi - (1) Elbow
           (2) Name of a kata
Empi uchi - Elbow strike
Encho - Extensions of kihon kumite


Fudo dachi - Rooted stance
Fumikomi - Stomp; stamping kick
Funikoshi, Gichin - Father of Shotokan Karate, nicknamed Shoto


Gaeshi - reversal / throw
Ganmen - Face
Ganmen shuto - Face knife-hand
Gari - Reap
Gakka - Lesson; Learn a lesson
Gatame - Arm bar
Gedan - Downward; Lower, waist or below
Gedan barai - Low block
Gedan juji uke - Lower X-block
Gedan shoto uke - Lower knife-hand block
Genki - Original spirit; Health
Geri - Kick
Gi - Uniform
Go - (1) Strength; Hard
        (2) Five
Goho - (1) Strength Principle
           (2) Strength Division or Method
Gohon - Five-finger strike
Go-ju - Hard and Soft
Gokyo - Immobilization No. 5
Goshi - Hip throw
Goshin - Self Defense
Goshin Jutsu - Self Defense Art
Goshin Kan - Self Defense School
Guruma - Wheel-like throw
Gyaku - Reverse, reversal
Gyaku Hammi - Reverse stance, where partners are standing with the opposite foot forward
Gyaku tsuki - Reverse punch
Gyaku juji jime - Reverse cross choke


Hachi - Eight. See also numerals
Hachiji dachi - Open leg stance
Hachimachi - Towel used as a headband
Hadake - Naked
Hadake jime - Naked choke
Hadari - Left
Hai - Yes
Haishu - Back of the hand
Haishu uchi - Back hand strike
Haisoku - Instep
Haisoku geri - Instep kick
Haito - Ridge hand
Haito uchi - Ridge hand strike
Hajimae - Begin
Hake Uke - Hook Block
Hakkaku - Eight angles, used in kobujutsu
Hamni - Stance.
Hane - Spring
Hane goshi - Springing hip throw
Hane makikomi - Springing winding throw
Hangetsu dachi - Hourglass stance
Hanshi - (1) Grand Master;
             (2) Senior Master;
               (3) Exemplary Teacher
Hara - Stomach; Abdomen
Hara tsurikomi ashi - Lifting pulling foot sweep
Harai - Sweep
Harai goshi - Hip sweep
Hashi - Chopsticks
Heiko Dachi - Paralell Stance
Heisoku dachi - Attention stance
Henka - Variation
Hidari - Left (side)
Hiji - Elbow
Himitsu Kempo - Secret fist law, pre-Ninjutsu stealth art
Hishigi - Crush
Hittsui - Knee hammer
Hittsui geri - Knee strike (upward, side)
Hiza - Knee
Hiza Ate - Knee Strike
Hiza guruma - Knee wheel
Hon - Fingers. See also Gohon
Hokai - Law ranks in Kiyojute ryu; Titles
Hombu - Headquarters
Hombu Dojo - Headquarters Training Hall
Hotei - Dedication
Hyohakusha - Wendell; Traveller
Hyoshi - Timing


Ichi - One. See also numerals
Ikken - One fist or strike
Ikkyo - Immobilization No. 1
Ikkyu - First Class (Brown Belt)
Iie - No
Ippon - Full point in a contest
Ippon ken (tsuki) - One knuckle fist
Ippon kumite - One step sparring
Ippon Seoi Nage - One-armed shoulder throw
Irimi - Enter; Entering
Irimi Nage - Entering throw.
Irimi waza - Entering techniques
Itten - One point, center of ki


Jigo-tai - Defensive posture
Jime - Choke / strangle
Jiyu - Freedom; Freestyle
Jiyu kumite - Free sparring
Jishu - Self-mastery
Jo - Short staff
Jodan - Upper, shoulders or above
Jodan juji uke - High X-block
Jo jutsu (Jo jitsu) - Short staff techniques
Joseki - Upper seat
Ju - (1) Gentle, Soft;
       (2) Ten
Judo - (1) A martial arts style featuring throwing
           (2) Literally, "gentle way", referring to giving way in order to gain victory
Judoka - Practitioner of Judo
Ju-ichi - Eleven. See also numerals
Juji - X; Cross. Juji gatame, juji uke
Juji gatame - Cross-body arm bar through legs and across hips
Juji Nage - Arm twisting throw.
Juji uke - X-block
Jujutsu - Gentle art
Jute - Gentle Hand or Person


Kagi tsuki - Hook punch
Kai - Organization; Understand
Kaicho - Association President
Kaiden - All traditions
Kaisho - Club
Kaishocho - Head Instructor of a Club
Kaiten Nage - Rotary throw.
Kaiso - Opening Ancestor
Kakato - Heel
Kakato uke - Bent wrist lock
Kake - Attack; Application of the technique
Kakiwaza uke - Pushing through block
Kakuto - Bent sword; Bent wrist
Kakuto uke - Bent wrist block
Kaiten - Spin; Rotary

Kama - Sickle, used in pairs in Okinawan Karate
Kamae - Posture
Kami shiho gatame - Upper four-corner hold
Kan - School; Intuition
Kancho - (1) School President;
              (2) Head Instructor of a School
Kane sute - Flying sacrifice
Kani basami - Flying scissors
Kanji - (1) Oriental Writing;
           (2) A Character in the Japenese System of Writing Based Upon Borrowed or Modified Chinese Characters
Kano, Jigoro - Founder of Judo
Kansetsu - Joint lock
Kansetsu Geri - Knee Joint Kick
Kansetsu waza - Joint locking techniques
Kanzen Muketsu - Absolute perfection
Kara - Empty
Karadatsuki - Body Build
Karate - (1) Empty hand;
            (2) A martial arts style featuring strikes
Kata - (1) Form, sometimes stylized and pre-arranged; Nage no kata
           (2) Shoulder. Kata guruma

Kata Dori - Shoulder or lapel grab.
Kata gatame - Shoulder hold
Kata guruma - Shoulder wheel throw
Kata ha jime - Single edge choke
Kata Ido - Form movement
Kata juji jime - Half cross choke
Katame - Grappling
Katame waza - (1) Mat work
                      (2) Grappling and ground-fighting techniques
                     (3) Also known as Ne-waza
Katana - Long sword
Kata te Dori - Straight wrist grab.
Kata te tori - Grasping of hands
Katsu - Revival techniques
Kazuri kesa gatame - Modified scarf hold
Ke - House; Family
Keage - Kick upward
Kekomi - Kick through; Kick thrust
Keiko - Practice; Training the spirit
Keikogi - Practice Uniform

Keiko uchi - Chicken beak strike
Kempo - Fist law; Fist way
Kempoka - Practictioner of Kempo
Kendo - Japanese sword fighting
Kenko - Health and Peace
Kensho - Insight; Religious insight
Kentsui - Fist hammer
Keri - Kick
Keri waza - Kicking techniques
Kesa gatame - Scarf hold
Ki - Vital energy; Spirit; Spiritual Energy
Kiai - (1) Spiritual harmony;
          (2) Shout or yell with vital energy (ki)
Kiba dachi - Horse stance
Kihon - Basics
Kihon Ido - Basic movement
Kihon Kumite - Basic sparring
Kihon waza - Basic Techniques
Kime - Focus

Kiotsuke - Attention
Kirikami - Cut of Paper
Kitskay - Attention
Kiyo - Positive spirit
Kiyojute Ryu - The Family of Spiritually Positive, Gentle People
Ko - (1) Skill
        (2) Minor
Kobujutsu - Ancient martial art; Weapon arts
Kodokan - (1) Headquarters of Judo in Japan
                (2) Literally, "school for studying the way"
Koko - Tiger mouth
Koko uchi - Tiger mouth strike
Kokutsu dachi - Back stance
Kokyu - Breath.
Kokyu Nage - Breath throw.
Kokyu Ho - Breathing division or method
Komi - Pulling
Koppo - Bone method; Bone breaking
Kosa Dori - Cross hand grab.
Koshi - (1) Hip
            (2) Ball of the foot

Koshi guruma - Hip wheel throw
Koshi jime - Hip choke
Koshi Nage - Hip throw.
Koshi waza - Hip techniques
Kosoto gakae - Minor outer hook
Kosoto gari - Minor outer reaping throw
Kote - Forearm
Kote gaeshi - Forearm throw / reversal
Kouchi gari - Minor inner reaping throw
Ku - Nine. See also numerals
Kubi - Neck / Shoulder
Kubi Nage - Shoulder throw.
Kumikata - Forms of gripping; Methods of holding
Kumite - Sparring

Kunren - Discipline
Kurisuchan - Christian
Kusarigama - Sickle with a rope or chain attached
Kusho - Vital points of the body
Kuzushi - Balance breaking
Kyoshi - (1) Faith Teacher;
              (2) Head Instructor
Kyu - Grade under black belt; 10th kyu is the lowest and 1st the highest
Kyusho - Vital point
Kyusho jutsu - Pressure point strikes



Ma-ai - Distance; Distancing
Mae - Front
Mae geri - Front kick
Mae geri keage - Front snap kick
Mae geri kekomi - Front thrust kick
Mae tobi geri - Jump front kick
Maki - Wrapping
Maki gaeshi - Wrapping reversal
Makiwara - Punching board
Matae - Stop
Mawashi - Circular; Roundhouse
Mawashi geri - Roundhouse kick
Mawashi tsuki - Roundhouse punch
Mawashi Uke - Wheel Block
Meijin - Wise Man
Menkyo - License
Migi - Right (side)
Mikazuki - Crescent
Mikazuki geri - Crescent kick
Mikazuki geri uke - Crescent kick block
Mondo - Questions and answers
Moro - (1) Double or Two. Morote tsuki
            (2) Augmented
Moro te - Two arm or two hand
Moro te seoi nage - Two hand shoulder throw
Moro te tori - Two hands holding one
Moro te tsuki - Double forward fist strike
Moro te uke - Double hand block
Moro ubi tori - Augmented finger pull
Mudansha - Colored belt holder; Non black belt holder
Mugen - No Limit; Infinite
Mukei - No Form
Mukso - Close your eyes (command)
Mune - Chest
Munen - No Thought
Mune gata me - Chest hold
Mune tsuke - Lunge punch.
Mushin - Mind Of No Mind; No Conscious Thought


Nagare - Unbroken Ki flow.
Nagashi uke - Flowing block
Nage - Throw
Nage waza - Throwing techniques
Nage no kata - Formalized throws
Naginata - Halberd, used by Japanese women
Nakabubi ken - Middle knuckle punch
Nami juji shime - Normal cross choke
Neko (Necho) - Cat
Neko (Necho) ashi dachi - Cat stance
Ne-waza - Ground fighting techniques, also known as katame waza
Ni - Two. See also numerals
Nidan - 2nd degree Black Belt
Nidan geri - Double jump kick
Nihon nukite - Two finger spear hand. See also Gohon nukite, Nukite
Ni-ju - Twenty. See also numerals
Ni-ju-ichi - Twenty one. See also numerals
Nikkyu - Second Class (Brown Belt)

Nikyo - Immobilization No. 2.
Nimpo - Patience Principle
No - Ability; Talent; Skill
Noritsu - Efficiency
Nukite - Spear hand
Nunchaku - Flail-like weapon of two rods joined by rope or chain
Nyujo - Flow into tranquility; Meditative contemplation
Nyunan Shin - Soft hearted


Obi - Belt
O goshi - Major Hip Throw
O guruma - Major Wheel Throw
O Sensei - Great Teacher (Teacher of Teachers)
O' Neil - Bob
Ohten - Barrel roll
Ohten gata me - Barrel roll arm bar
Oi - Lunge
Oi tsuki - Lunge Punch
Okinawa te - Okinawan Hand
Okuri - Sliding
Okuri ashi barai - Foot Sweep
Okuri ashi harai - Sliding foot Sweep
Okuri eri jime - Sliding Collar Choke
Omote - Front
Osae komi - Hold-down
Osae komi waza - Hold-down techniques
Osoto gari - Major outer reaping throw
Osoto guruma - Major outer wheel throw
Otoshi - Drop
Ouchi gari - Major inner reaping throw
Oyayubi - Thumb
Oyo - Application




Randori - (1) To take the throw;
               (2) Freedom to take;
               (3) Free practice (judo sparring)
Rei - Bow
Reigi - Courtesy
Ren - Polish
Renoji Dachi - "V" stance
Renshi - Disciple Teacher
Renshu - Practice; Training; Training The Body
Rienzoku Ken - Continuous Fist
Rikai - Understanding
Rikairyoku - The Power Of Understanding
Roku - Six. See also numerals
Ryo - Both
Ryo te dori - Both wrists grabbed.
Ryu - Family; System; Dragon
Ryukyu - Okinawa


Sai - Three-pronged metal weapon
Sagi - Heron
Sakotsu - Collarbone
Sakotsu shuto - Collarbone knife-hand
Sammai - Concentration; Absorption
San - Three. See also numerals
Sanchin - Three battle; Tension
Sanchin dachi - Three Battle stance / Hourglass Stance
Sandan - 3rd degree Black Belt
San-ju - Thirty
Sankaku - Triangle
Sankyo - Immobilization No. 3
Sansei - Third Generation from Japan
Sasae - Block
Sasae tsurikomi ashi - Lifting pulling foot block
Satori - Enlightenment
Seigyo - Control
Seiho - Spirit (healing) division or method

Seiken - Forefist / twisting fist
Seishin - Soul; Spirit of God
Seiza - Correct sitting; Formal sitting position
Sempai - Senior
Sensei - Teacher
Senshin - Concentration; Undivided attention; Singleness of purpose
Seoi - Shoulder
Sesshin - Concentrating; Unifying the mind
Shi - Four. See also numerals
Shiai - Contest
Shichi - Seven. See also numerals
Shiden - Historical tradition
Shihan - Master. Instructor (4th-5th Dan)
Shiho - Four corners, or all directions
Shiho Giri - Four directional cut.
Shiho nage - All (four) directions throw

Shika - Historian
Shiken - Test; Examination
Shiko Dachi - Sumo Stance
Shikyo uchi - Finger spear
Shimbun - Newspaper
Shime - Choke / Strangle
Shime waza - Choking techniques
Shinai - Bamboo Sword
Shinjitsu - Reality
Shinken - Real sword; Real fist; Earnest
Shinko - Faith; Faith that looks up; Stretch
Shinsei - Divine nature; Holiness; Godliness
Shinwa - Friendship; Fellowship
Shinyo - Faith; Faith effort, in your own work
Shizen - Natural
Shizen-tai - Natural posture
Sho - One. See also numerals
Shodai - First generation; Founder

Shodai Soke - Founding Father; First Soke
Shodan - First degree Black Belt
Shogei - All Arts
Shomei - Summons of destiny; Call of God
Sho men uchi - Knife hand strike to front of head.
Shorei - Encouragement
Shotei - Palm heel strike (also may use as block)
Shotokan - A Karate System Founded by Gichin Funikoshi. See also Funikoshi, Gichin.
Shu - To Learn
Shudo - Leadership; Guidance
Shugyo - Austere practice; Hard training
Shuho - Taking Principle
Shuto - Swordhand; Chop
Shuto uchi - Knife hand strike
Shuto uke - Knife hand block
So - Head; Master; Phase
Sode - Sleeve

Sode tsuri komi goshi - Sleeve lifting pulling hip throw
Soke - Head Master; Grand Master; Head of the Family
Soke Sho - The Head Master Writes
Sokuji - The Diet Cure
Sokuto - Foot sword
Soto - Outer; Outside
Soto maki komi - Outer winding throw
Soto maki komi harai - Outside wrapping pulling sweep
Soto mikazuigeri - Outer crescent kick
Soto shuto - Outside knife-hand
Soto ude uke - Outside forearm block
Suki - Gap; Ungaurded moment; Dead time
Sukui - Scooping
Sukui nage - Scooping throw
Sumi gaeshi - Corner throw / reversal
Sumi otoshi - Corner drop

Sun Dome - To stop one inch
Sute - Sacrifice
Sutemi - Sacrifice or roll
Sutemi waza - Sacrifice techniques
Suwari Waza - Sitting techniques


Tachi - Standing
Tachi waza - Standing techniques
Taido - Attitude
Taiho - Arrest; Capture; Holding methods
Taikaku - A Good Physique
Taiko - Body cavity
Tai otoshi - Body drop
Taisabaki - Body movement
Taiso - Body manipulation; Exercise
Tameshiwari - (1) Test by breaking;
                       (2) Breaking demonstration
Tanden - Point just below the navel
Tani otoshi - Valley drop
Tanto - Short sword

Tate - Vertical
Tatami - Straw Mat
Tate tsuki - Vertical punch (boxer's jab)
Te - Hand. See also Karate
Tetsui - Iron twin
Teisho - Heel palm
Teisho tsuki - Heel palm thrust
Teisho uchi - Heel palm strike
Teisho uke - Heel palm block
Teiji dachi - "T"-stance
Tekubi - Wrist
Tekubi tori - Wrist pull
Tenchi Nage - Heaven to Earth throw.
Tenkan - Pivoting; Pivot
Tenoji Dachi - "T" or "L" stance
Tenshin Sho - Divine Illumination; Inspiration for creating a Ryu
Tettsui - Iron hammer
Te-waza - Hand techniques
To - Sword

Tobi - Leaping; Jumping; Flying
Toide - Taking hand, Okinawan Grappling Art
Toitsu - Unified Principle
Tomoe - A Three Section Circle; Circle
Tomoe nage - Circle throw
Tonfa - Wooden rod with handle at right angle, used in pairs
Tora Gucki - Tiger Mouth Hand
Tori - Defender, demonstrator of technique
Torite - Taking hand, Japanese pronunciation
Tsugi no kata - Following form
Tsuki - Punch; knuckle strike with first two knuckles only
Tsuki no sandan - Three levels of thrusts
Tsukamu - Grab
Tsukkomu - Hand thrust
Tsuki waza - Punching techniques
Tsukuri - Stepping into the throw
Tsume - Claw
Tsuri - Lifting
Tsuriai - Balance
Tsuru - Crane

Tsuri goshi - Lifting hip throw
Tsurikomi goshi - Lifting-pulling hip throw
Tsuzumi - Hand drum
Tuite - (1) Grappling techniques
           (2) Using pressure points for joint manipulation


Uchi - Inside
Uchideshi - Special Disciple
Uchikomi - (1) Fitting-In
                  (2) Repeated practice of throwing techniques
Uchi mata - Inner Thigh Throw
Uchi Uke - Inside Block
Uchi waza - Striking Techniques
Uchiro Geri - Back Kick
Ude - Arm
Ude gatame - Forearm arm bar
Ude tori - Forearm pull
Ude uki - Forearm Block
Uke - (1) Block. Age uke
          (2) Attacker, to whom techniques are done
Ukemi - Falling and rolling exercises

Uki - Floating
Uki goshi - Floating Hip Throw
Uki otoshi - Floating Drop
Uki waza - Floating Throw
Ulna (English) - Bone on little finger side of wrist
Ulna Press - Straight arm bar with wrist on opponent’s elbow
Undo ryoho - Exercise Cure
Ura - (1) Rear
          (2) Back or flipside
Ura ken uchi - Back Fist Strike
Ura nage - Back Throw
Ura tsuki - Flip side punch
Ushiro - Back; Rear
Ushiro dori - Rear bear hug over arms.
Ushiro geri - Back Kick
Ushiro goshi - Back Hip Throw
Ushiro hiji dori - Both elbows grabbed from behind.

Ushiro kata dori - Both shoulders grabbed from behind.
Ushiro kata te dori kubi shime - One wrist grabbed & choke from behind.
Ushiro te buki dori - Both wrists grabbed from behind.



Wakara - Separation
Waza - Techniques



Yama - Mountain
Yama bushi - Mountain Priests
Yama tsuki - Mountain Punch
Yame - Stop (command)
Yari - Spear
Yawara - Control
Yojimbo - Someone Of Discretion; Protector; Bodyguard
Yojin - Discretion
Yoi - Ready
Yoko - Side
Yoko gake - Side Hook

Yokogiru - Cross
Yoko geri - Side Kick
Yoko guruma - Side Wheel
Yoko haitto - Side ridge-hand
Yoko kekomi - Side thrust kick
Yoko men uchi - Knife hand strike to the side of neck or head.
Yoko otoshi - Side drop
Yoko shiho gatame - Side four corner hold
Yoko shuto - Side knife-hand
Yoko tobi geri - Jump side kick
Yoko taeru - Laying
Yoko wakare - Side separation
Yonkyo - Immobilization No. 4

Yubi - Finger
Yubi tori - Finger pull
Yudansha - One who is a black belt; Blackbelt Holders


Zanshin - Ready mind; Alertness
Zazen - Sitting meditation
Zen - (1) Meditation
         (2) Buddhist sect
        (3) Religious meditation
Zenkutsu dachi - Forward stance
Zenshin - Gradual progress; Steady advance
Zuki - Punch

Copyright © 1999 WSGKO / Updated © 2001 11th Hour Compromise Inc.
All rights reserved.